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Asia / Indonesia

Dutch trade, whaling, herring fishery, etc., with magnificent views of the harbours of the Netherlands
and the Dutch East Indies ca. 1772-ca. 1781, including a wide variety of boats and ships

AA, Cornelis van der (illustrated by Dirk de JONG & Hendrik KOBELL jr.). Atlas van de zeehavens der Bataafsche Republiek, die van Batavia en Onrust. Mitsgaders de afbeeldingen van de haring visscherij en de walvisch vangst. In een-en-dertig kunstplaaten naar het leven afgebeeld ...
Amsterdam, Evert Maaskamp, [printed by Paul Etienne Briët?], 1805. Large folio (39.5 x 28.5 cm). With a finely engraved title-page in various styles of decorated lettering and flourishes, executed by Klockhoff, and 31 double-page engraved views (ca. 28.5 x 39.5 cm) showing Dutch harbours with a wide variety of sailing boats and ships, the harbours of Batavia and the island Onrust in the Dutch East Indies (now Djakarta and Pulau Kapal in Indonesia), and 2 views of herring fishing and whaling.
With the loosely inserted "prospectus" (actually an advertisement issued on publication):
[MAASKAMP, Evert]. Berigt aan kooplieden, zeevarenden en verzamelaars van vaderlandsche kunstprinten.
[Amsterdam], [Evert Maaskamp], printed by Paul Etienne Briët, [1805]. 4to (27.5 x 22 cm).
Contemporary boards (including a paperboard spine), as issued by the publisher. XII, 135, [1 blank] pp. plus engraved title-page, 31 plates and the loosely inserted prospectus. Full description
€ 14,500
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The most important source for the Moluccas in the early colonial period

ARGENSOLA, Bartolome Leonardo de. Conquista de las islas Malucas.
[Madrid, Alonso Martin, 1609]. Small folio (22 x 30 cm). With an engraved architectural title-page showing an allegorical scene (the Moluccas represented by a native woman with feather headdress, cornucopia and sword, riding a crocodile, with the Spanish royal coat of arms in the sky) and a sleeping lion (representing the author?) in a separate cartouche below. Early 18th-century richly gold-tooled red morocco, each board with a large centrepiece a petit fers made partly with pointillé stamps. (Integral?) engraved title-page + [10], “407” [= 411], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 35,000
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Rare account of a journey to the Leti Islands with beautiful descriptions of the local people and nature

BARCHEWITZ, Ernst Christoph. Neu-vermehrte Ost-Indianische Reise-Beschreibung, darinnen I. Seine durch Deutsch- und Holland nach Indien gethane Reise; II. Sein elfjähriger Aufenthalt auf Java ...; III. Seine Rückreise ...
Erfurt, Johann Friedrich Hartung, 1762. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece, a full-page map, and 6 engraved plates (5 folding, 1 full-page). Later gold-tooled brown half calf. [20], 687, [16] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Eyewitness account of the Dutch massacre of thousands of Chinese in and around Batavia in October 1740

[PAMPHLET - BATAVIA]. Kort verhaal van doproer der Chineesen, op het eiland Java, dog voornamentlyk wegens de stad Batavia, voorgevallen in de maand October des jaers 1740.
[Amsterdam?, 1741]. 4to. 19th-century brown wrappers. 8 pp. Full description
€ 3,950
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An important surveying voyage to the Pacific

BELCHER, Edward. Narrative of a voyage round the world, performed in Her Majesty's ship Sulphur, during the years 1836-1842, including details of the naval operations in China, from Dec. 1840 to Nov. 1841.
London, Henry Colburn, 1843. 2 volumes. 8vo. With a folding map of the Canton river, folding map with the routes of the H.M.S. Sulphur, large world chart also showing the route of the Sulphur, 19 steel-engraved views and several illustrations in text. Gold-tooled blue sheepskin, shell-marbled sides. Rebacked. In modern slipcase. XXII, 387; VI, 474 pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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Letters from Hormuz Island, the East Indies and Japan

[BERSE, Gaspar, Francis XAVIER et al.]. Epistolae Indicae et Iapanicae de multarum gentium ad Christi fidem, per Societatem Iesu conversione. Item de Tartarorum potentia, moribus, & totius penè Asiae religione. Tertia editio cum indice castigatior & auctior.
Including: Epistolae Iapanicae, de multorum in variis insulis gentilium ad Christi sidem conversione.
Leuven, Rutger Velpius, 1570. 2 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. Each part with woodcut publisher's device on last blank. Contemporary limp sheepskin parchment. [24], 361[=316], [20]; 401[=399], [25] pp. Full description
€ 19,500
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Jesuit letters from Hormuz Island and the East Indies

[BERSE, Gaspar, Francis XAVIER etc.]. Epistolae Indicae et Iapanicae de multarum gentium ad Christi fidem, per Societatem Iesu conversione.
Louvain, Rutger Velpius, 1570.
With: (2) GARETIUS, Johannes. De sanctorum invocatione liber...
Ghent, Gislenus Manilius, 1570.
2 works in 1 volume. 8vo. Ad 1 with the title-page in a frame built up from fleurons, and a woodcut publisher's device on last blank, ad 2 with the title-page in a frame built up from fleurons, the woodcut coat-of-arms of Cunerus Petri (bishop of Leeuwarden) on the back of the title-page and on the last leaf a woodcut printer's device within a frame built up from fleurons.
Contemporary limp vellum sewn on 3 leather supports laced through the joints, with the manuscript title on the spine, leather ties, red edges. [24], “361”[=316], [20] pp.; [16], 103, [9] ll. Full description
€ 19,500
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First Dutch guide to pediatrics (dedication in 1st state), with an appendix on Japanese and Borneo camphor

BLANKAART, Steven. Verhandelinge van de opvoedinge en ziekten der kinderen. Vertoonende op wat wyse de kinderen gezond konnen blyven, en ziek zijnde, bequamelyk konnen herstelt werden. Zeer nodig voor alle huyshoudende lieden.
Amsterdam, Hieronymus Sweerts, 1684. 8vo. With an engraved title-page showing a hospital scene and 19 figures on 6 engraved plates. Near contemporary vellum. [8], 332, [20] pp. Full description
€ 8,500
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Compelling account of shipwreck and survival

BONTEKOE, Willem Ysbrantsz. Journael ofte gedenckwaerdige beschrijvinge van de Oost-Indische reyse. Begrijpende veel wonderlijcke en ghevaerlijcke saecken hem daer in weder-varen. Begonnen den 18. December 1618. en vol-eynd den 16. November 1625. Waer by gevoegd is het Journael van Dirck Albertsz Raven, als oock verscheyden gedenckwaerdige geschiedenissen, op veel plaetsen verbetert en een groot deel vermeerdert.
Amsterdam, Joost Hartgers, 1648. 2 parts in 1 volume. 4to. With a double-page engraved plate with 6 views of the ship at fire and in a storm, the islands St. Mary, Samatra and Princes Eyland, and an image of flying fishes. Modern marbled wrappers. [4], 76 pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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Compelling account of shipwreck and survival

BONTEKOE van HOORN, Willem Ysbrantsz. Gedenkwaardige beschryving, van de achtjarige en zeer avontuurlyke reise van Willem Ysbrantsz Bontekoe van Hoorn, gedaan na Oost-Indien, bevattende vele wonderlyke en gevaarlyke zaken, my op dezelve reise wedervaren. Ook is hier bygevoegt een verhaal van Dirk Albertz. Raven, kommandeur op 't schip Spitsbergen, gedestineert na Groenland.
Amsterdam, Barend Koene, [ca. 1820]. 4to. With a half-page woodcut portrait of Willem Ysbrantsz Bontekoe with the city of Hoorn in the background, 7 (near) half-page woodcut illustrations in the text and a small (typographic) floral tailpiece on the last page. The text of the Bontekoe story is set in Gothic type in two columns, while the tale of Dirk Albertz. Raven is set in a single column in Roman type. Modern half vellum. 64 pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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